Thursday, June 09, 2011


This is the blog edition of what Kellie thought today:

"Boy, it is stinkin' hot."

"I can't write Steve love letters any longer.... I dusted."

"Am I EVER going to get done cleaning this house?"

"Who knew I would find THAT (various things I thought were gone forever only to be discovered/uncovered) again!?"

"I am NOT crazy."

"Oh, WHERE is my cell phone?"

"For half an hour the dentist earned $150.00... must be nice."

"I have watched 5 kids today and been quite entertained."

"What a fun day!"

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Today at lunch little man said "what should I be when I grow up?" I immediately said, "a dentist. They only have to work 4 days a week and make lots of money." Oops, I guess that's not instilling good work ethic, huh? It just popped out without me even thinking! :)