Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I thought I'd share a couple of things I have realllllly been loving so far this summer:

I am eating a salad most every day for lunch. I fix a really big one and then keep it in the fridge for each lunch to just "dish it out" when I want some. It is something I have really looked forward to enjoying everyday.

Another thing I am enjoying (and so is Mikayla).....

....green olives. They have become like candy to me and I can't get enough of them.

This is when the jar was "just bought." Can you tell Mikayla and I have been in them?

When I was out with a friend yesterday I had to buy the sandwich for lunch that had olives on it, just because of the olives! It was delish, too.

What is something you are really enjoying to eat this summer?


wendy said...

I'll skip the olives and take some berries instead. Just got some fresh blueberries at the store yesterday. They are so good!

mc said...

Watermelon, watermelon, watermelon. For some reason I am craving the stuff!

Lynne said...

Oh my, Kellie! This is so funny that you have posted this. Last night I ate half of the jar of sliced olives that I bought at the store. I thought about you.....as I poured some of the juice and drank it. It was so good! :)

Gretchen said...

I'm with MC. WATERMELON is my favorite summer treat that I can't get enough of. Of course I've never met an olive I didn't love. :)