Wednesday, June 01, 2011


So I normally love full blown popping color in most of my pics. I do love B&W, too, but it is not for every picture. I decided to try both with this shot. I actually thought the B&W of the same flowers was pretty neat. I am not used to doing nature shots in B&W. Your comments are appreciated. :)


On this first day of June I am feeling what I always feel when I get out for summer.

I don't know what to do with myself.

I go from being busy, busy, busy and on the go to being at home with much more time on my hands. I have all of these things I would like to accomplish but I have no desire as of yet to do them.

It could be that the projects are quite overwhelming to me at this point because all of it is stuff that has been put on the back burner because of school. That means it has piled up. That means I have to be in the right frame of mind to tackle them.

I will be quite honest.... I feel rather lazy. I feel like I am not getting things done that I *should* be doing.

Steve tells me I shouldn't feel that way because I am re-charging my batteries to get ready for next year.

Yes, I understand that. However, I guess it is because I see others who go and stay busy that I feel if I am not doing the same thing I am being lazy.

As I have battled myself with this all day, I believe I need to step back, realize I truly have been depleted of much through the school year and take each day as it comes. Satan likes to throw out those lies to get us to wallow in that pit of worry for one thing or another. Yet, the Lord tells us to be still and know Him. Busyness is of the world. Stillness is from the Lord. I need to stop seeing stillness as laziness.

Tomorrow I know I will be busy. I will be cutting our grass. I'll take that time to talk with the Lord. I have over 2 acres to cut so I think that will give me time. :)

Anybody else ever feel like I have described?


Becki said...

You just described my life. I have this mad desire to do everything I need to do quickly so I can rest before I go back to school.If I don't mark lots off of the lists I then feel lazy and in a panic. I have always needed to learn to do what the Lord says-be still. Thanks for sharing.

SandyM. said...

Color, definitely...
I'm finally learning that "lazy days" are okay. I knock myself out one day working like crazy & then the next day I have no energy at all. You DO need to take time to refresh & rest, and not beat yourself up over not "doing" something all the time! And our husbands are usually our best barometers. So when Steve says that you need to recharge your batteries, listen to him, Girl!

Kathryn said...

OH boy, do I ever. I awoke in a panic the other night, as the enemy loves to get me during the night, when I tend to worry more. I kept thinking of all I need to do, now that school is done...and yet having no desire, energy, "something" to do it. I want to rest. I want to enjoy my girls and play and read to them and sit outside (well, not with this heat!) and have I have to trust Him to order my day, to show me how to get those things done that need doing, and yet to rest. It is so important to have that rest. Do not let Satan take that away from you. You do get depleted. So let Him fill you up with His quiet, His beauty, His presence. I will do this too...with His help.