Tuesday, June 07, 2011


I really should have something witty and inspiring to say today.

I just can't seem to find it anywhere.

I have been at this computer all day working on pictures for various things and ordering a bridal portrait for a certain someone who is getting married in a week and a half.

Am I still having bad dreams about photographing said wedding?


Am I still going through all scenarios in my head?


My office looks like a tornado went through it.

The rest of my house needs some serious cleaning.

But at least I am going to make supper tonight.

What exciting things have you been up to today? Come on, peeps... talk to me!


wendy said...

What have I been up to? Trying to remain sane through all the drama of the final recess of the year, the nacho party wherein 3 cups of rootbeer were dumped all over the cafeteria floor, and the cleaning of lockers and desks. I'd rather be home doing what you're doing.

Kimberly said...

I planted some seeds :)