Sunday, May 22, 2011


I Corinthians 13:12
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

According to a certain man, the rapture was supposed to occur yesterday.

But it didn't come.

Of course, it didn't come! Did man really think He could predict God's return? Does he not remember Isaiah 55:8-9:

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lor4d.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.

God's ways and when He returns are above any of our ways. We should be ready, but we do not know when is the exact time of His coming. I do, however, believe it will be soon.

Steve had a co-worker, who is an atheist, tell him on Friday that she guessed he wouldn't be at work on Monday. Steve, having no thought about what the crazy guy said, told her he wasn't taking the day off. She then began to say that he was going to be raptured and that she and her friends were going to have a party because they were finally going to be rid of us.
(And according to Scripture... she will not be having a party when Christians leave this earth. She has no idea what is to come.....)

I watched the newscast on Friday night and it was very evident that Christians were being mocked.

These are the types of things that frustrate me when it comes to this type of an event.

However, I then began to chew on this and wondered:

How am I walking with the Lord to show others the real message of Christ?

Am I throwing out guesses as to what I think would help them or am I taking them constantly to God's Word?

Am I using God's Word as the basis of everything I believe.... not just something someone said?

Am I putting my trust in what God's Word says instead of a man?

We can either infect or affect others for Christ. I choose to ask the Lord to help me be one that affects people in the way that would help them understand God IS real and loving, He sent His Son to pay the punishment of sin, He IS coming back one day, and He will only take those who have accepted Him as Savior.

Have you believed in the One True God?

Think on that today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord for your heart Kellie, I pray God will use you to guide others all ways!!I also pray Steve will be a guide for that person who doesn't believe in God.
I feel so sorry for anyone who has to face this world and not know God. Love - Love !!