Monday, May 02, 2011


Here are some flowers I took recently while doing a Bridal Portrait shoot. They were just too pretty!

Mikayla and I watched the royal wedding on Friday evening.... after DVR'ing it. I didn't see myself getting up at 4:30 to watch it when I had to get ready for school. Plus, we could fast forward through all of the footage of the cars driving to the church.

In "honor" of the royal wedding this past weekend, I thought I would share a few things I gained from watching it:

1. Hats - I apparently need one... and need on that looks like a Cheerio with a bow on top. Of course, I could also go for the large tear drop looking blue one that would have caused anyone behind to be mad they couldn't see the altar.

2. Limousines - those limos were COOL. I liked the glass all around. Of course, I would hope they would be bullet proof with the crazies that are in this world.

3. Trees - who knew trees could fit in the church? Who knew you could do that? Who really NEEDED to spend that much money on trees in a church? Just go get some leaves off of the trees and decorate like that. That is something like what we did and it turned out just lovely.... and probably much less expensive.

4. Music - the music was beautiful. I understand it was all picked out by Kate and William. They did a nice job!

5. Vows - well... they didn't take long but all of the other things did. Now I understand why they sat down! We missed out on the rest of the wedding after they went to the back of the church to sign the registry because the DVR stopped taping. I hated we missed them leaving the church.

6. Kiss - Their two kisses on the balcony of Buckingham Palace were cute and sweet. Glad they kissed twice.

7. Dress - WOW.... Kate's dress was SO lovely. Quite a difference from Diana's thirty years ago. I had forgotten how big was the dress and how long Diana's train was.... it didn't seem to end when she got in the carriage. BUT.. it WAS the 1980's. A very lovely dress, indeed.

8. Replay - of Charles and Diana's wedding. I was so enamored by all of that at the young age of ten. Now, looking back on that footage I saw that neither one of them seemed too thrilled to be getting married... or maybe that is just what I think because of what I now know of their lives.

9. Black Sheep - I didn't realize Sarah Ferguson was such a black sheep of the family. I am so out of touch.

10. Living Together - it isn't as "scandalous" as it was 30 years ago for the royalties (or anyone for that matter) to be living together. They "tried it out" and got everything worked out that they should have any problems in marriage. Hmmm... really? That is not what God's Word says.

11. Honeymoon - they aren't taking one right now. I guess when you live together for so long that isn't that important. I, personally, was ready for that honeymoon trip after we got married.... even though I was homesick.... OK, Ok... enough of my issues. I digress. (I also realize he had to get back to his duties, but I still did wonder about that...)

12. Happiness - I truly hope their happiness is real and that it lasts. Goodness knows Kate has just walked into a crazy life of media and every thing she does being scrutinized.


Jennifer Ewing said...

Kellie, I think you and I should purchase some fun, crazy hats and wear them to church! We could really start something! Plus, it will help hide my bad hair days. ^_^

Sandy said...

I wasn't going to watch it because it seems kind of phony since they've been living together. But I did watch it later (no way I was getting up at 4 AM!) Her dress was beautiful & she was radiant. Her sister looked beautiful too. All the hats... lots of good laughs!
There was a real sweetness about the way they looked at each other, how he told her she was beautiful at the alter, his grin, their happiness afterwards, etc. I hope they can make it work (statistics show that the divorce rate is higher among those who live together before marriage, so "trying it out" obviously isn't a guarantee...)
The neatest thing to me was when her brother read Romans 12:1,2! Even if he didn't "mean it" or understand it, millions of people heard those verses!!!