Friday, May 20, 2011


Wouldn't you like to play ball with these homemade wonders from Old Salem?

Speaking of a ball....

We are having a "ball" today because it was the last Friday of the school year... the last real day of REAL school work.... YEEHAWWWWW!

I gave my kids their last spelling test today. :) I surprised them with some "new" words. If your child is in my class this year you will have to ask them. If you aren't... well.... hate it for ya because I can't give away my secret. hee hee

We the kids made a 94 and 97 on our their NC Projects!! YAHOOO!!! I think that is stinkin' good seeing as we they had to keep up with two at the same time to do so much work.

There was a black snake on our sidewalk when we got home. It was striking out at Molly and Steve. It is now dead.

We have nothing to do tonight. Nada. Zip. Totally free. YES.

Steve is attempting to put brick pavers at the deck steps. He is so talented.

I have finished report cards. I am so happy.

I am working on a project for my sweet man for our anniversary next week. I hope it turns out.

I need to continue that project so I am now going to close for today.

Have you done anything interesting today???

1 comment:

wendy said...

Nothing real exciting, that's for sure. Helped get a bunch of Flat Stanley projects ready and mailed, ran through Costco like a mad woman, and am getting ready for a Friday night/all day Saturday crop. Hope to get my fair share of paper dust on my fingers!