Saturday, May 14, 2011


Mikayla and I had a "Mom/Daughter" Day today. :)
I had not planned on it being that way today. I honestly was just going to hang out around the house. I am finding, though, that I don't know what to do with myself when I have extra time because life has been so hectic. Sad, huh?

Well, Mikayla had been asking me to take her to get some sandals. I usually always tell the kids "no" unless it is something I know they have to have because, well.... I just continue to want them to be thankful for what they have already.

Today I decided since there was not anything major going on, it would be a good "Mom/Daughter" day. I got ready and told Mikayla to get ready because we were going to run some errands.

She didn't know we were headed for Shoe Carnival first. :)

She was so excited when she found out where we were going. I love to surprise my children.... and anyone for that matter. It excites me to do that.

We didn't find what we needed there, although she and I did find some cute shoes. As always, I talked myself out of a pair that Mikayla said she just loved on me. I have a habit of doing that.

We went to three stores before we found what she wanted in her size. She has such a narrow foot, the little stinker.

We then went to Bath and Body Works, McDonald's for some sweet tea for my girl, Kohl's and LifeWay Christian bookstore.

Here are some things I "learned" on our day together:

1. Mikayla's bling and my bling are not always the same thing. I showed her one pair of shoes that I thought was too cute and she looked at me like I had lost my marbles. ha! I am learning Mikayla Girl loves LOUD bling.

2. There are some interesting shoes out there. For fun today, Mikayla tried many pairs of shoes on her feet that would require me to go to the hospital if I wore them. I cannot believe how tall some of those heels are. (Mikayla just said to say that she actually likes the heels... just not the shoes.)

3. I still don't like to shop and spend money.

4. Sometimes I wonder if I should go on the show "What Not to Wear" because I do seem to go to the same types of clothing. lol (My daughter just said "OH, PLEASE, MOM! You need to erase that.) The truth hurts.... :)

5. Trying on a knit dress after you have had children, no matter how cute it is, IS NOT GOOD. Let's just say it shows too many "bumps along the road." Mikayla asked me "What is THAT!" when trying on one such dress today. I told her it was from her and Wesley. Oh, the joys of showing off that motherhood curvature.

6. I was glad to have Mikayla in the fitting room with me (even though she said the above comment) because she really did boost my spirits. She told me I looked good in a shirt that was more "trendy" and I wasn't so sure about. (Still am not totally sure, but if my girl says I look OK, then I guess I am OK.)

7. It was fun looking at clothes and shoes with my girl. It was nice to tell her "Yes" to some things.

8. I did find some cute things for myself and am glad I did.

9. It did my heart good to hear my daughter say over and over that this was the best day she has ever had.

10. I am going to have to do more days like this with my girl. It was a joy shopping with her and hanging out together.

11. Having her cuddled up next to me on the couch while I am typing this blog is priceless.

What a fabulous day.


Kimberly said...

1. Yay for mom and daughter (shopping) days. Lily and I have many of them right now and I so enjoy the time that she and I have together just the two of us.
2. So understand the knit dress comment!! Don't ask me how many dresses I've tried on lately. Not good :(

Glad that today was wonderful!!!

Mich said...

Sounds like a really fun day. My kids are my fashion police these days, even my son. I always ask them if i look ok before leaving the house. :)

kathryn said...

I think this is priceless! Good for you, as what you did is something you will never regret. And they certainly do have their own opinions, don't they?! I have had to realize those thoughts too, that what I like, they might not like...and that is okay! And that, like your girl, they have good ideas of what looks good on US! So I can venture out in something new for once, instead of my 17 year old clothes! LOL!