Thursday, March 31, 2011


Do you have this growing in your yard? It is hinbit... related to mint... and has a square stem. I always think it is pretty. Steve always wants to get rid of it. Our yard kind of looks like a lavender field right now. lol

It really is pretty.....
It has been an interesting week around these parts.

It has been a week that has tried my patience.

It has been a week of feeling overwhelmed in many areas.

It has been a week I have had to do a lot of praying.

As always, the Lord's still small voice spoke to me as I was teaching my students today. It had to do with FAITH.

I was teaching on the woman who touched Jesus' garment and was healed and also when Jesus raised Jairus' daughter from the dead.

Both situations required FAITH.

Faith that Jesus could do the impossible.

Faith that Jesus keeps His Word.

Faith alone.

The Lord gave this to me as I was talking to my students and it brought so much comfort to me I had to share today. I am continually thankful for how the Lord speaks to me as I am doing the teaching!

Hold out your hand and spread out your fingers.

Start with your thumb and for each finger spell out the word F. A. I. T. H.

Now take your fingers and ball them up as if you were clutching something in your hand.

Remember this: when times get tough, when you feel overwhelmed, when you feel discouraged, just look at your hand and spell out the word faith. Then, take your hand, and ball it up and say "God will never leave me nor forsake me!" He holds us in the palm of His hands!

We use our hands for so many things. Let's use them to help us remember that important reminder from the Lord.

We have to have faith that He is going to work everything out according to His purpose.

1 comment:

Mich said...

The story of the woman touching Jesus' garment is one of my favorites. Oh to have even half as much faith as she did that day, daily.