Monday, March 14, 2011


Spring break is over.... can't believe how fast it always goes!

We had a busy one with working on the NC Project.... as you all know!

Last Wednesday the kids and I took a trip to Downtown Raleigh to visit the Legislative Building and the Capitol.

I'll be the first to say that I was a bit apprehensive being "in charge" of doing that. I know most of you that know me personally may find that alarming. I am usually a "take charge" kind of gal. Well, truth be known underneath the skin, there is a bit of a timid individual that lives within. If I am experiencing something new I am very nervous about it all. You would think after 16 years of teaching I would be beyond that. However, that is not the case and this trip made me a bit nervous.

I was nervous about driving downtown and hopefully parking in the correct area.

I was nervous about walking around the area and "doing everything right."

I was nervous about meeting strangers for our Legislative tour and being in buildings I have never been in knowing I was the adult and not the child. Sad, huh?

Well, I should have stopped all of that nervousness because I parked in the correct parking area after driving successfully downtown.

I walked confidently with my children to the History Museum and found out what we could do there while waiting for our tour of the Legislative Building.

I walked into the Legislative Building successfully and talked with those at the receptionist desk as to when our tour would begin.

I loved spending that time with my kids! Here are a few pics of our day....

View of the Capitol Building between the History Museum and Natural Science Museum.

View of the Legislative Building with a lot of school children running around. I just couldn't escape school!

Wes and Mikayla by the fake Liberty Bell.

Outside of the Legislative Building on our state seal: Esse Quam Videri - "To be rather than to seem"

Inside our Senate chambers... this was where we had our "talk" with the tour.

If you look at the screen (click on the photo to view larger) you will see a welcome to me and the kiddos for our visit! :)

House of Representatives... we were not allowed inside of those chambers.

When we finished our tour of the Legislative Building we decided to be really "hip" for downtown and experience a hotdog from one of those carts by the street. ha! It was very windy that day so it did present a challenge when trying to eat without making a mess.

Wesley enjoyed a chili dog because he still just can't do a hot dog after getting a stomach bug when he was three....

Mikayla with her sassy purse beside her enjoyed hers...

I must say that was a good hot dog.... maybe it was that I was just very hungry!

More tomorrow on our adventures downtown.....

1 comment:

Mich said...

What a neat trip!

Our spring break is next week. We can't wait!