Friday, March 11, 2011


Have you seen any good movies lately?

May I suggest this one:

We saw it last fall for the first time and then I received the DVD as a gift for Christmas. It is the story of Esther from the Bible. We saw it again last night and it was so good. I highly recommend it.

Read anything good lately?

Here is a strong suggestion from me:
I may have talked about this book before, but it bears repeating. It is a beautiful understanding of the lineage of Christ and that it wasn't filled with perfect people. It was a book I didn't want to end. It made me look forward to seeing these women one day in Heaven.

Next on my list of books you need to read would be the "Men version" of Lineage of Grace pictured above. These books do not deal with the lineage of Christ, but more of the men in the Bible who played an important role, but were not the "main characters."

I loved this one... it is about Aaron - Moses' brother.

This one is about Caleb... the other Israelite spy who sided with Joshua that the Israelites could take the Promised Land because God was with them. It gave me a new insight on him and a respect for what he went through.

This one is about Jonathan - King Saul's son. A beautiful picture of humility.

This one was just precious to me - it is about the Minor Prophet Amos. He was a shepherd that God called to prophesy to the Kingdom of Israel.

I am currently reading this one about Silas... the same Silas that partnered with Paul on many missionary journeys. I have just begun this one so I am looking forward to what I will learn through this one, too.

AND... if you have never read this book.... you must:

This was my first introduction to Francine Rivers. It is a beautiful, yet heartbreaking, story. It is a "contemporary" version of the life of the Minor Prophet Hosea.

I do not like to read books that are "empty" such as romance novels and such. I love to read books that will help me gain insight into something I have already read in God's Word or ones such as I put above that will cause me to search the Scriptures to find out exactly what God's Word says about it. (I did that last night as we were watching the DVD on Esther and learned something else from when I originally saw the movie and searched the Scriptures.) Reading can take you places you never dreamed of going... both in your thoughts of when reading the book and also what the Lord wants to teach you through that reading.

Have you read anything good lately?


Mich said...

Next to Pride and Prejudice, this is my favorite movie. My daughter and I love it!

I have read all of those books and they are great!

Anonymous said...

I am looking for a good book - and a good movie. I think I'll pick it up - Haven't' seen it. I'm like Mich - I love Pride and Prejudeice. Basically, I adore 19th century lit that is so hope-filled, goodness-will-prevail.

I love your header - totally beautiful. I am ready for those daffodills!

Gretchen said...

Oooh! I didn't know about the Lineage of Grace book! Must read!

Redeeming Love is one of my all time favorites. I also loved her Scarlet Thread book.

Have you read The Last Sin Eater? It's good too!