Saturday, March 12, 2011


Here is Steve's adventure as of late... re-doing the deck.

Our deck was built on right after we moved in the house so it is 14 years old. It did OK, but the "caring" for the deck kind of stopped when twins were brought home from the hospital in 2000. Our time and energy was spent on them and not the deck. Unfortunately, it showed.... A LOT.

We have been needing to re-do this for some time but kept putting it off. Finally, with boards rotting, Steve said we couldn't wait any longer so we had to bite the bullet.... and were thankful for 18 months interest free financing at Lowe's. lol I should have taken a before picture of the deck... but I forgot. Just get a picture in your mind of pickets missing, boards rotting and nails popping up from the boards. It was nice.

The new boards are replacing the old ones bit by bit.

What I love most is that Wesley is out there helping Steve. That little guy of ours is a hard worker. He loved getting the nails out of the boards. He has also hauled off pickets and helped Steve hold the boards while he screws in the new ones. (It is also a nice change from that NC Project we have been working on all week!!!)
On a side adventure... Steve accidentally dropped one of those nail-ridden boards on his foot this afternoon. We spent over an hour at the Minute Clinic getting him a Tetanus shot. I didn't think he wanted to live with lockjaw the rest of his life.

Hopefully our deck will be finished soon and I'll show you new pics. We'll have two sets of steps this time instead of just one.

I am just proud of my sweet Steve who knows how to do all of those "handyman" things. I just can't see myself out there prying up boards and putting down the new ones. I was doing good just holding the nail gun and shooting in a few of those puppies when he was putting up the side boards. That was enough "handyman" for me. :)

1 comment:

Lori H. said...

Steve and Wesley can come build us a deck next. Ours is completely missing.