Monday, March 28, 2011


More views of things budding forth.....
These things are budding forth while we are freezing around here today. It actually sleeted this morning!!! I thought we were getting rid of the winter coats, but mine surely felt warm today.

So... talk to me today.

What did you do today?

I want to hear from my peeps who read my blog!
(Even if you are a lurker and have never commented... come on, don't be afraid. I promise I will not bite.)


Mich said...

Stayed home from work 'cause the tummy bug attacked yesterday. However, it has been a good day...just me and the Lord hashing things out. :)

Love the pictures.

Anonymous said...

Went to the eye Doctor,got my measurments donefor my cataract surgury. I will have my surgury on 4-4-2011 don't know the time yet.
We are having potatoe soup for supper. Yum-Yum. Me and the Lord have talked several times today.
What would any of us do without Him!! Love - Love

Anonymous said...

Went to work....worked on several customer issues that there's no answer for yet...made a return, went shopping at BJ's, picked children up from school, made doctor's appointment, wrote events on April's calendar for fridge, folded laundry, made white chicken chili, and after eating will go to a meeting at school. I'm really a pretty big slacker today...haven't done much at all:-) Oh yea, and I've talked to Father off and on today and He has done my soul good!


Amy said...

went back and forth outside trying to house break the new baby!!! thank goodness the sun is now shining, it has been a wet and coooold few days!!!!

wendy said...

Made myself get out of bed - sad that spring break is over. Forgot about watching the clock and ended up taking my class to lunch a half hour late. Enjoyed a chilly but sunny recess outside. Crammed in as much into my school day as possible. And now I'm getting ready to go home and see what 505 is making me for dinner (he had the day off)!

Susan said...

Monday. Cold. VERY busy time for me! On the way home, put in Selah, cranked it up, and sang along with "You Deliver Me"... love this song, and this CD that a special friend shared with me ♥. Thankful that He does... when we think we can't go on. Thankful for the new life budding around us- further evidence of our Creator and His resurrection. Thankful for you! :-)

Gretchen said...

I turned up the heat. Taught school in my pj's.
Took a shower just in time to go to Noodles for a free dinner. We paid for drinks and got everything else free. Family of five: $4. Nice!

SandyM said...

Well, a day late, but today I:
sent four Air Force members off to Afghanistan; sent a bunch of new recruits to Great Lakes (Navy), OK & GA (Army); sent one young man (looked about 14) to Germany; sent a group to Jacksonville to prepare to go to Afghanistan; encouraged the mom of a new Navy recruit; unloaded 25+ crates of soft drinks from the truck, wheeled them into the airport & unloaded them upstairs; answered about 20 phone calls; yes, it was a busy day at the USO. Now I'm sitting with my feet up! Great day!