Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I just had to show the projects the kids finished the weekend we did all of that baking. These are Biography Bottles and they did these instead of writing a book report. There was A LOT of hot glue involved, therefore, I had to help with a lot of these projects. Let's just say that me and the hot glue didn't get along. I burnt myself a lot... and it wasn't just a slight burn, either!

Wesley did Daniel Boone.

I made his coon skin hat and it is stinkin' good. Thankyouverymuch.

Mikayla made Laura Ingalls Wilder.

She was lookin' snazzy with her eyelashes and holding her book.
School projects are also parent projects sometimes. Just sayin'.


Anonymous said...

I have to say really good!!I think Wesley and Makayla and Mom did a wounderful job. Love! Love!

Gretchen said...

It's been a crazy couple of weeks, so I just (finally) got caught up on your blog. First of all, the photos of your ornaments are beautiful. I just got a 50mm lens, so I am having some fun with the focus and bokeh.

I totally agree about the project thing. I have (not so fond) memories of science fair projects at WCA that were a joint effort from my whole family.
Your kids' bottle people look adorable! If I ever need a coon hat, I know who to call. ;)

Sandy said...

These are super cute! I so remember "project" times! The one I remember most was when C. was in 8th grade @ FMS & did a project that he did all the work on except one small detail that required use of a power saw. The teacher gave him an F, saying that he didn't do the work, but that his parents had done it (because it turned out so well). Let me tell you, THIS mama hen went to the school in a minor (well, not so much) uproar. He ended up w/an A!