Friday, December 10, 2010


This is one of Mikayla's Barbie ornaments. As I photographed it this year I was remembering "The Twelve Days of Christmas".... Nine Ladies Dancing
I fondly sing that song every year with my students at school complete with motions made up especially by "MOI." (That would be "me" for those of you who don't speak southern French)..... The Nine Ladies Dancing part actually looks like that ornament above as we pirouette in our spots singing that portion of the song.

I know you are wishing you could be there observing as my class and I sing this song and do all of the motions. Some of you reading this HAVE been there. Some of you have observed while others of you have participated. Are you remembering?

Hope it's a sweet memory. :)

Most people I know say that song annoys them.

I guess I totally can understand that, but did you know the real reason this song was composed?

It was written during a time of persecution of the church and so the Christians wrote these words so if a passerby heard the words they wouldn't hear them actually speaking of God and His Word but the hidden meanings would be known to other believers.

Here is a break down sharing what each part of the Twelve Days of Christmas means:

A partridge in a Pear Tree - A partridge was a valiant bird that would fight to its death to defend its young - Symbol of Christ.

Two Turtle Doves - The offering Mary and Joseph brought when Jesus was 40 days old.

Three French Hens - Symbol of the rich and represented the three wise men with gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Four Calling Birds - Four Gospels - calling for people to be saved.

Five Golden Rings - First five books of the Old Testament. The greatest books to the Jews - worth more than gold.

Six Geese a Laying - Eggs were a reminder of new life - 6 days of creation.

Seven Swans a Swimming - Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit - Changing us from ugly ducklings to swans - new life in Christ.

Eight Maids a Milking - Eight beautiful teachings of Jesus known as the Beatitudes.

Nine Ladies Dancing - Nine fruits of the Holy Spirit.

Ten Lords a Leaping - Men with authority - God's Ten Commandments.

Eleven Pipers Piping - Eleven Apostles who remained faithful - Piped His Word -He's alive.

Twelve Drummers Drumming - Represent the 12 vital Christian beliefs in the Apostles Creed.

-Taken from BBN Christian radio.


Anonymous said...

You keep right on teaching even after 3:00! I learned something today...I'll never hear that song the same way again. Thanks!


Katie said...

ONE of many favorite times in THE FOWLER'S class was learning that song!

Sandy M. said...

First, I'd LOVE to see you twirling around as the 9 ladies dancing!!
Second, I've never heard this explanation of this song & am totally going to "borrow" it! I read it to Steve & he wants me to share it w/our class next Sunday. It will totally reform my concept of this song! Thanks!!!

wendy said...

My Uncle Joe always had us pull a line out of a hat to sing with the family at my Grandma's house. You never knew which relative was on your team until the first time you got to sing. I'm going to copy this and email it to him. It'll be my contribution to Christmas at Grandma's house since I can't go home this year.

Anonymous said...

I also had never heard this before.I truely love it!I will be singing that when I go to bed tonight. Love! Love!

Lori H. said...

Now that I've learned the motions you teach the kids, I'll never forget the song. No more 10 maids a milking or 8 pipers piping for!!