Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Today will be our last tour of Boston because it is time to move on with our trip!! (Kim... are you feeling complete now? hee hee)

Here is the Old State House where the Declaration of Independence was read on July 4, 1776. It was the tallest building of its time.... now look at what is around it!

This is the spot where the Boston Massacre occurred. Five people were killed in the turmoil between colonists and British soldiers. No one is certain as to who shot the first shot and whether it was intentional or not. (It probably wasn't....) Samuel Adams used this as propaganda for independence for Britain.

As we were walking around that day we were able to enjoy music from this flute and drum band. (I honestly can't remember their name right now...)

Cool shot of the drums....

We went to the Granary Burying Ground to see many famous Patriot graves. This is John Hancock's grave. I overheard a tour guide telling his group that his grave was actually broken into and the thieves cut off his hands because he had rings on them. Later, it is told, someone cut off his head. Isn't THAT nice.
If you look at his tombstone you can see his head and a hand at the top. Legend has it the people did that so he could have his back. ;)

John Hancock may have signed the Declaration of Independence in a big way but he forgot to sign his own will! He left his widow penniless and she was buried with him later because they couldn't afford to bury her. He was a very rich man so this was a shock to all.

Mikayla read a biography of John Hancock last year and she has looked forward to seeing his grave. She took pictures of it and said this was a highlight of her trip. lol

Samuel Adams grave

The grave of those killed in the Boston Massacre

Paul Revere's grave

Me and the kiddos waiting for Steve to get money out of a teller machine for supper. lol

This is where we had supper our last night in Boston. We had to wait about 45 minutes to get in.... the place is small but worth the wait!

Here are Wesley and Mikayla as they are waiting. Can you tell which one of my children were having a harder time being patient???

Lobster Ravioli.
My first time having it.
My best friend loves this so I thought I'd try it and now I realize why she always wants to lick the plate afterwards. I almost did that myself.

We enjoyed our meal.... and we experienced TRUE BOSTONIAN servers. lol


Afterwards we enjoyed some treats from Mike's Pastry. If you ever get to Boston you need to try them out!


wendy said...

I loved it that Mikayla got so excited about John Hancock's grave. That had to have been so cool for her! Way to make history come alive, Mom!!!

Mich said...

You guys always take the coolest trips. So jealous!

Your kiddos are too cute!

Gretchen said...

I love the 1st picture. Can you imagine bringing someone from that time period to 2010 to see it now???

I took a trip to Boston in high school with my youth group and we all laid down on that median in the middle of the road to reenact the Boston Massacre. Thousands of people were amused, I am sure. :)

Anonymous said...

How interesting,I love all the pictures. I want a copy of Wesley & Makayla waiting!! Love1