Saturday, July 03, 2010


Interesting fact I just read in my Acts and Facts issue (p.4) from July which is published by the Institute for Creation Research :

"Every state constitution refers to God as understood by the writers as a Creator God, not the impersonal god of Hinduism or Buddhism. Furthermore, the Judeo-Christian Creator God from whom comes our freedoms and rights is, either directly or indirectly, written into all 50 state constitutions.

The common expression "grateful to Almighty God for our freedom" refers to the belief that the source of our rights is not from government, but rather from God. A good example is Maine's constitution that calls God the "Sovereign Ruler of the Universe." Delaware's says, "Diving Goodness all men have, by nature, the rights of worshiping and serving their Creator" (emphasis added). The Virginia Bill of Rights refers to the duty that "we owe our Creator." The Washington State Constitution Preamble says, "We the People.... [are] grateful to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe." "

"Teachers denied the right to critique Darwinism could simply teach their state's constitution. It could not be unconstitutional to teach the state's constitution! All 50 state constitutions acknowledge God, most as the Creator, and the ACLU and the federal courts are wrong to deprive students of this knowledge."

The article went on to show each part of each state's constitution that has those words. I thought it was very interesting indeed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...