Tuesday, July 13, 2010


First of all before we begin vacation pics....

I read this book in no time on the trip. I remembered seeing it on Angie Smith's blog (the wife of Todd Smith of the group Selah) months ago. I didn't know too much about it so I just skimmed the information. Then, my friend Gretchen recommended it on her blog and that got me wanting to read it.

It is precious, powerful, heartwarming and emotional all in one. Steve read it on the trip after I did because I kept telling him (lol) and he felt the same way. If you haven't already, you must read this book. Really.
Today we are in Newport, Rhode Island at the mansions. These houses were built when serious money ruled the day there. (Not to say serious money isn't still there but... well, you get the point.)

We got to Rhode Island mid afternoon so we didn't get to view all of them. There are a lot of these large estate homes there. This was the biggest and glad we went in this one if we could only choose one.

The Breakers Mansion
- built by the Vanderbilts - the brother of George Vanderbilt who built The Biltmore.

Here is the front gate. Large.

This was the summer home.

I couldn't get over the outside lamps of the place!

The entryway showed the beautiful architecture of the building. It was detailed and amazing.

Of course we couldn't take pictures in the house. That house was beyond words.... there was gold and platinum on the walls. Seriously. Would have loved to photograph the insides but didn't want to get my camera confiscated.

There was also a full marble tub in the master bath.
Why on earth you would want a marble tub is beyond me. We were told they had to fill it up 3 times with hot water just to heat the marble enough to fill it up again for a bath! That would not fly so well today with our need for water conservation!

The sheets were changed twice a day. (Why on earth?)

They apparently changed clothes as much as 5 times in a day.

The servants were busy, can you tell?

Here is the view from the back balcony. Wouldn't you love to have that view every morning?

Tourists in action.... we all had our headsets on getting the audio tour.

Loved the archways of the "back porch".... veranda. Just beautiful.

Front again.

Wesley and Mikayla are in the picture. Can you find them? Gives you a perspective on the size of this SUMMER house!

Side area.

Side area looking straight on to it.

Mom, Daddy and the kids by the HUGE bird bath. I think an ostrich could get a bath in that!


Back of the mansion

Me and Steve at the back of the mansion looking quite small comparatively.

Another view closer to the end of the back yard.

Other side view.

The PLAYHOUSE. Yes, that is right. It isn't the little cottage for guests, this would be where the children played. This house was as big as some people's houses today (although a small one, still....)

One of the other gates. Wesley is in front of it to show how large it is!

Mikayla taking a picture of the gate. Girlfriend had to have her purse with her.
More tomorrow!!


Anonymous said...

The house was fabulous, but them younguns were beautiful. Love!!

Vonda said...

I'm so glad you mentioned the book. I'm putting it on my list to read. Your pics are great!

Lynne said...

Loved the pictures! Changing the sheets twice a day would absolutely kill me! LOL!

wendy said...

I didn't know Rhode Island was so swanky! That looks like quite a place. Oh, and I, too, shall put that book on my summer reading list.

Amy said...

Wow, that is one gorgeous house!!! I love how you put Wesley in front of the gates, gives great perspective on how tall they are. And how cute is Mikayla with her pink. :)

Gretchen said...

Oh, the SUMMA houze. Yes, daaling.

So glad you liked the book. Makes me weep just thinking about it.