Friday, March 19, 2010


I love this door knocker.... it reminds me of Aslan from The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
Window view
I must start off by saying kudos to my kiddos. (It's my blog so I can do that!) They had a tough nine weeks with a lot of new concepts and both came out with A's and B's. This was an especially great accomplishment for Wesley and shows he has come far. We're proud of both of them!

Last night Kevin and I went to see the Broadway play Little House on the Prairie. It was AWESOME. I loved every minute of it and it was nice to see parts of what I had read to the kids acted out on stage. Melissa Gilbert, who originally played "Laura" in the TV series portrayed "Ma" on stage. Again, it was wonderful to go to something where you weren't concerned over the language or what the scenes would portray.

People who lived in that era of exploring and settling the west were very courageous. I honestly don't know if I would have had the stamina to do what was needed. I like to think I would because I would have grown up with the harder life. Even though it was harder in that they WORKED at everything they did and suffered through many difficulties, their lives were simple and happy. Life today can sometimes be too complicated.

Having said all of that... I am thankful for running water, solid walls, a kitchen, insulation, washer and dryer, microwave, etc.... that do make life easier. But I also just want to always have an attitude of gratitude and not take for granted the simple things in life. :)

1 comment:

Sandy said...

We just missed you by a couple of hours... G & I took the kids to the matinee, & had a surprise afterwards: homeschoolers were invited to stay for a Q&A session w/some of the cast, including Melissa Gilbert. Wasn't it a great show?!