Monday, March 15, 2010


One of the many beautiful side streets as you walk through Charleston.

In the past couple of weeks we have watched two wonderful movies.

Last weekend we saw Little Women... I think it was filmed in 1994. Since we had finished reading the book I thought it would be great to see it. We loved it and I highly recommend it!

This past weekend we watched Anne of Green Gables. I had seen that years and years ago but didn't remember as much. Mikayla has read the book and loved it so I knew it would be great to see. We thoroughly enjoyed it as well.

It is so wonderful to watch movies where you don't fear what is going to be said or shown in front of your children. Anne of Green Gables gives new meaning to "Kindred Spirit"... and what a joy she was to watch!

1 comment:

Amy said...

I like this shot, the line draws my eyes right along the path. Anika and I have watched Anne of Green Gables a couple of times since she read the book a few months ago. Did you know there are three dvd's, I think it is about 10-12 hours total and follows Anne well into adulthood. A useless fact, but fun...I went to high school with the girl that plays Diana. Her name is Schuyler Grant. :)