Saturday, March 13, 2010


Something I found so neat in Charleston was how they were in the city but had such beautiful garden areas. Here is a glimpse into one as I was walking down the street.

This is a little closer view of looking through the iron gate into the back of the garden area. I love the pineapple in the background.
Steve and I have begun walking/exercising again. I haven't really exercised since I did my first weight loss about 7 years ago. As with anything in my life, I became obsessed with it because I wanted to do it "perfectly"..... the same as how I began with Weight Watchers 3 years ago to lose the weight I had gained back from the obsessive 7 years ago exercise routine. When I set my mind to do something I usually go overboard... unfortunately. That gives me great success a lot of times, but that also leads to burn out.

In looking back on my life I see so many areas of burn out. I have gone full throttle with something and totally exhausted myself while missing out on life in general trying to look through the tunnel vision of whatever it was I was obsessed with.

The Lord has been teaching me.... for many years now... that while I need to do my best, I can't expect perfection. No one is perfect.


Not ME?

Oh, goodness, no. I am not perfect. No one is.

The Lord seems to be cutting to the heart of the matter in that area of my life now. In learning what the Lord wants to show me, I have a road ahead of me. I must take it one day at a time/one step at a time knowing that God is holding me up through it all.

I'll be taking those steps with this exercise thing. It will be a good reminder that God is there every step of the way giving me what I need for the moment. It isn't up to me to plan and be perfect, but to leave everything to the Lord.

This is a little song we sing with kids and I think it fits:

Little by little
Inch by inch
By the yard it's hard
By the inch it's a cinch
Never stare up the stairs
Just step up the steps
Little by little
Inch by inch

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

I'm glad you haven't burned out on the blog.
I would be VERY sad.

Way to go on the exercise thing, though!