Saturday, September 26, 2009


Today equals these things:

Lazy, rainy day.

Stayed in comfy clothes all day that kind of resemble pajamas, although they are not.

Laid on the couch with Mikayla this morning for an hour while she and Wesley watched cartoons.

Ate chocolate double stuffed oreos for lunch. For shame.

Worked on journaling my scrapbook pages from a year ago... that I am still behind on, but better.

Realized it has now been a year since we went to see the USS North Carolina and I never even showed those pictures!

Watched Steve paint the trim in the kitchen around the windows. I may get those new window treatments up tonight!

Enjoyed a slow paced day with nowhere in particular to go. They don't come often.

It was a nice day.


Unknown said...

I love those kinds of days!

Amy said...

Sounds like a perfect day! :)