Thursday, September 24, 2009


This was a beautiful flower at the nursery area I photographed a while back. I loved the sunlight hitting it. "Far away" and close up....

Today has been interesting.

I came home yesterday to find the electricity had gone off while we were at school. I re-set the clocks.... unfortunately, I reset mine to an hour behind.

Fast forward to this morning. I get up at my 5:00 time as usual... or so I THOUGHT it was 5:00.

We get ready and start our day, etc.

Mikayla commented that it surely was light outside for it to be 6:00. I noticed it, too, but thought it was just getting to the time of year where that happens.

Steve came in the kitchen and noticed the time on the microwave and stove said 7:00.

"No", I replied... it had to be those were set wrong from yesterday.

I hurriedly went to get my watch only to find that, YES, IT WAS 7:00!!!!! I am normally at school for around 20 minutes by that time of the morning!

We swallowed our breakfast whole and got to school by 7:25. Amazing.... but at least we were pretty much ready before breakfast.

At school I got to experience God's creatures up close and personal and look like I was as skiddish as I was... it was a lovely LARGE spider that made its way into my room. My class went nuts trying to find it/stay away from it. The teacher did no better....

My amazing friend/Teacher's Assistant saved the day and took the spider outside.

Why didn't I just kill it you may ask?

Well, I kept hearing my brother in the back of my mind saying "Let it go outside!" (It doesn't matter that one of my kids had an ant on his desk a week or so ago and I went right by and squashed it underneath a finger! Here I am teaching about insects and God's creation and I go do something like that... lol)

At lunch today we had a lockdown drill. We had to eat in our rooms today because of a special gathering the first grades were having. Do you want to know how lovely lunch was today? ha!! We made it, but it was a bit hectic.

One of my students wrote this on the board yesterday for her prayer request: "Pray for me I have h1n1."

Yes, I was a bit shocked about that seeing as she was at school. When questioned further she revealed that they had been "attracted to it" by some relatives and her mother was SURE they were all going to get it. Now, I've heard of attracting all kinds of things, but didn't realize you could "attract" the flu. ha!!!!! (I love little kids when they misuse a word thinking they know what they are talking about. Of course, we all know I have misused many in my time so I should be quiet about that....)

I told her we would pray for her whole family to be safe and flu-free. :) She was fine today, too.

Speaking of words:

I have had car duty this week after school. Today I hear this conversation:

little boy: I catched this bug!
little girl: No... you can't say that, you have to say 'caught.'
little boy: "Catched" is a real word!
Then the the little boy comes over to me and asks about the word "catched." I share with him that "catched" is not a real word, and that you would have to use "caught" for past tense. I began to give examples of "catching" "will catch" and "caught."
He goes back to his friends and says something like this: "I found out catching was a real word. Then goes on to continue his story about the bug..... "I "catched".... (whatever it was he was originally saying.)" Hmmm.... not sure if he understood my teaching moment. LOL

Until the next saga of my silly days, enjoy yours. Off to finish some cleaning, do homework and grade papers. Such is the life of the school teacher.

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Out of the mouths of babes. So cute! Love it!

So glad you weren't too late. One of my biggest fears: messed up clocks =)