Tuesday, September 22, 2009


It's the first official day of "fall" so I had to find something that looked a bit more "fallish." lol This will have to do. We don't have changing leaves and such until late October/November. I'm looking forward to picking out our pumpkins and such in a couple of weeks. Maybe then I'll get some good pics of all of that.

I was reminded today that when you allow someone to get out of a driveway when traffic is backed up, please nod or wave a hand or something to let the person who is being kind know that you appreciate the gesture. A little kindness back goes a long way.

(This coming from the person who tried to show kindness but was ignored.) LOL!


Kelly said...

I hear ya! Good for you for being kind, and bad for the one who didn't show appreciation! Didn't their momma teach them anything?! ;0)

Morgan said...

Yeah! What has happened to manners?

I am also counting down the days til I can go get my pumpkins, squashes and gourds! One of my favorite fall activities.

Amy said...

I agree, it is so nice when someone acknowledges kindness...makes you want to do more of it! :)