Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I know these would eventually burst forth into some beautiful bloom, but I don't know what kind. I realize it is a lot of green, but I thought they were interesting.

We actually left school at the "time I could leave" today and came STRAIGHT HOME..... the FIRST since school has started, I believe. This doesn't happen often so we are enjoying it. :)

I copied this "survey" off of my online/blogging friend Wendy's blog. Just call me "cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater.."

1. What is your current obsession?
Always email... always. School has made me become that way because I'm always checking to see if a parent has emailed. I know I have others, too, but you probably know them already if you know me in person or have followed this blog for very long! ha!

2. What is your weirdest obsession? I like to make sure the forks/spoons in the drawer are stacked a certain way. I can't let go of that.

3. Recall a fond childhood memory? Growing up on the farm... and all that goes with it. I was oblivious during a lot of my childhood, as my brother can attest, but it was wonderful and I would love to go back in time and re-live some of them...just not middle school....

4. What’s for dinner? Usually whatever Steve decides because he is an awesome husband who helps out his wife.

5. What would you eat for your last meal? As in, if I was on death row and about to die??? Well, wouldn't like to think of that... I guess steak???

6. What’s the last thing you bought? groceries and fall/winter clothes for the kids

7. What are you listening to right now? The hum of the computer, the sound of my fingers typing, and Mikayla doing something in her room.

8. What do you think of the person who tagged you? Wendy didn't actually "tag" me, but I think she is a super individual even though we've never met in person. She's also an awesome teacher. :)

9. If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished, anywhere in the world, where would it be? Right where I live. I love HOME.

10. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? That is too hard to decide and if it is only for an hour I'd have issues because there would be a lot I'd want to photograph and not enough time. lol

11. Which language do you want to learn? I, well... don't care to learn another language simply because the Spanish and French that I tried to learn in high school and college didn't go over very well. I'm not auditory and I just don't quite "get" other languages sometimes. Does it count that I love HEARING other languages? (Kevin would be ALL about this part because he'd probably want to learn the over 3,000 languages that are in the world.)

12. What’s your favorite quote (for now)? "In order to LEARN it, you have to EARN it." Spoken like a true teacher.

13.What is your favorite color? Purple... and green

14. What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe? My pajamas and my old worn out robe Mom gave me brand new when I was expecting the kids. I love that robe, ugliness and all, and wear it every night.

15. What is your dream job? I do it every day.... I teach. Photography would be up there as well.

16.What’s your favorite magazine? Magazines???? Hmmm... I'm doing good to read my books, so I guess I don't really have a favorite one of those.

17. If you had $100 now, what would you spend it on? Probably use it towards the framing of my barn picture for my kitchen... a big ole 16x24.

18. Describe your personal style? I am quite simple and not into a lot of clutter.... I add that myself with our daily life. I am not one that feels I have to buy the best to look a certain way. I just get tickled if it looks nice and I didn't have to pay a lot for it!

19. What are you going to do after this? Grade papers and maybe pass out on the couch seeing as we have AWANA tonight and I have 15 more Kindergarten through second grade children awaiting me there.

20. What are your favorite films? The Sound of Music, Grease (lol), and, I am sure there are others, but right now I can't think of them.

21. What’s your favorite fruit? I guess I would say I enjoy all of them. I'll have to think on that...

22.What inspires you? simple faith in the Lord.... the ability for someone to constantly put everything in God's hands. I fall short on that so many days, but I am continually learning.

23. Your favorite books? Historical fiction

24. Do you collect anything? DUST... and pictures.....

25. Any advice from bitter experience? Learn in life that true friends stick with you whether you are having a "sideways attitude" of a day or whether everything is "peachy." lol

26. What makes you follow a blog? I follow my brother because, well, he's my brother! and some of my friends. Then every day I check others I have stumbled upon. There are others that I just visit every once in a while. I like to be friendly to people in blogger world. :)

I am amazed at the number of people that "follow" other blogs.... I am not sure if I'll ever get that! lol If I follow someone's blog and check it all of the time I always try to let them know I've been there by posting something in their comments.

HINT, HINT. No pressure, people, no pressure. ha!!!


Morgan said...

Do you collect anything? THAT is funny!

Katie said...

i read today and loved it!
i collect dust too...
kt : )

Anonymous said...

Well I try not to collect dust, but it just insists on clinging to everything. Love this little quiz.
Mrs. wiggs

wendy said...

You are too kind (see #8). The best things in life are stolen off the internet :)

Kevin said...

I'm commenting now. How do you like it??

Katrina said...

I really enjoyed reading your list. I am a home-body too :) I love being home. Not that I wouldn't take a little trip to Italy or Greece anytime soon. But I don't care to be away too long or too often.

Hope you get to get out of school on time a bit more often.