Tuesday, September 08, 2009


I don't know what this flower is, but it is a bit "creepy" when you see it in real life. It looks like claws. LOL Click on it to view the detail larger.

Today was like Monday, but it was Tuesday. Today was a bit "off" in the school department. It is amazing what missing one day will do to you. I'll be catching up allllll week.

My dilemma tonight. Should I eat a Krispy Kreme doughnut that my brother so lovingly brought down to us or should I eat the chocolate filled oreo cookies that my heart/body/stomach/thought processes have been craving most of the day?

So many decisions.

Flashcards have to come first... and checking homework... and making sure my children finish their chores and expectations.

On a happy note... I graded the rest of my papers while Mikayla was at piano today. :)


Gretchen said...

I agree... a Monday with just the name Tuesday on it. The good new: Friday will be here sooner!

Katrina said...

We just finished up with spelling practice:)

I would go for the doughnut myself but that craving you have had for those cookies all day should be satisfied!

Kelly said...

I've been a little off today too...but I still don't want to give up my long weekend!!

And, I vote you eat the doughnut AND the cookies...diet and all excluded!! ;0)