Sunday, September 13, 2009


I recent weeks I have been noticing how much Wesley desires to be with his Daddy.

Now, I know that is normal, and definitely healthy.

Mikayla has always been a "Daddy's Girl" and I love the fact that both my children desire to be with their Daddy so much.

Today my thoughts are on my little guy because girls have a different bond with their mother. (Sometimes it is one of downright too much "alikeness" and, well,... we just won't go there in this post. lol) Just know my daughter is just as precious to me... today just has to do with Wesley.

Boys want to be like their dads... for the most part. They learn so much from their Daddy and know how to act and what to do in certain aspects of life.

As I have been noticing this desire of Wesley to be with his Daddy more and more I get the "When is Dad coming home?" or the running out of the house to wait for him to finally arrive home from work or where ever he has been.

I guess I am with Wesley and Mikayla so much that they don't necessarily have that desire with me. I am always the one who tells them to practice, do their homework, learn their verses, eat their supper, etc.

Now, Steve helps out with those things, too, but I am the one who seems to "yell" it loud and clear with consistency. lol I don't seem to be the "fun" one.

I realize a Mom's job is not always to be the "fun" one. I realize that is part of being a Daddy is getting to do things with them that are not always serious and consistent.

In watching all of this with Wesley in particular I am realizing I am losing my baby boy. Not in literal terms, thankfully, but in the "Mommy's heart" terms.

He is growing up.

He is no longer the little guy who depends solely on me for everything.

Now, I know I have desired great maturity for Wesley over the years... and it is still a work in progress, but I guess when you finally realize what that maturity brings with it, it makes the Mommy heart grow a little sad.

I know that I don't have many years left of cuddling with the little guy.

He doesn't necessarily like to hold my hand anymore. I saw that last Friday night when we were walking into a restaurant and he was hesitant to hold my hand.

Yes, it is normal and healthy. I know that you don't see college guys skipping up to their dorm holding their Mom's hands, but reality "bit me on the hand" with that!

He doesn't sit in my lap in church anymore. Partly, he has become too heavy! The other part is, well, he wants to be near his Dad more.

This morning in church he leaned over to his Dad.... something he usually does with me.

I "pouted".... I wanted that for ME!

That was selfish on my part because Steve needs that, too, but it caused my heart to break a moment to realize my times with him in the way they were as he was younger are leaving me.

That is why the following pictures show something that meant more than he will ever know.

My little guy went outside after church today and picked these flowers just for me. He then came in and put them in water in this silly kitchen thing from Mikayla's play kitchen.

When he saw how much I loved them he was almost speechless. The Lord knew I needed that from Wesley today.

Wesley found out just how special that was for me. He actually went out and picked me a few more but left them on the counter in the bathroom and forgot to put them in water because he can't remember two things at once. (LOL!) That endeared them to me even more when we found them and added them to the "vase."

When he brought them to me, it melted my heart and made me realize that although I do not have the moments with him as I used to, he still thinks of me in ways I don't even know.

I dread the day when he will begin dating that special someone because I know the flowers will not be for me then. I think of that with him so much more than I do with Mikayla. However, I also know that nothing will ever take away my Mother's love for him and nothing will take away his love for me.
He will just never be able to grasp how much these simple flowers meant to his sappy Momma today.


Unknown said...

Why must you make me cry so randomly today? :) Beautiful post, Kellie!

Anonymous said...

Kellie, that was straight from a mothers heart, and "oh" so special. beleive me, that moment will be with you forever!You have a special bond with daughters, but those little guys have a way of melting a moms heart, You flowers and the vase are beautiful.
Love You!!

Lynne said...

Well, I am now crying!! I feel the same way about Mitchell. I am always telling him to be more independent and then when he is....well, then I am sad that he didn't need me. I love your flowers. Wesley is such a sweet boy. He is growing up to be a wonderful young man!! You and Steve are doing a GREAT job!!

Kelly said...

Love this post!! I know exactly what you are feeling as I watch my kids grow. I too am the "party pooper" mom who is always making them get all the chores/homework done, and Bobby is the fun dad who comes home and has plans to play. But, I also know the feelings you have of watching our little men grow into big happy for them yet a littel sad for ourselves. Such a special post!!

Sandy M. said...

From a mom who has been there but is at the other end of it now: In high school, Corey would walk down the mall with me & hold my hand or put his arm around me unashamedly (not in a weird way & for a short time, but he initiated it & wasn't embarrassed to do so). He still (at age 32) sends me flowers for some occasions because he knows I love flowers. He often brings me a bouquet when he comes home for a visit. And he still loves to lay on the sofa with his head in my lap. But most of his affection goes toward his girlfriend which is totally normal. So enjoy your time with your little boy while you can, but don't worry about the future with him. And work on the relationship with Mikayla because she can one day be your best girlfriend! I know you know this, but just wanted to encourage you: every stage is different & fun in different ways. It is such a privilege to be a mom, even when we usually have to be the "heavy". I love the bouquet!!

Amy said...

What a sweet post you wrote, you've made me weepy. Those are some beautiful flowers from Wesley. :)

kathryn said...

Hi dear friend! LOVED this post!! Just a quick note via this blog to let you know i will call you soon...been so busy. THANKS for calling us!! I love you and will call you soon! Kathryn

Amy said...

So sweet!! The flowers are just beautiful!