Thursday, March 01, 2012


Did you know what this was?

It is dried okra!

I love it!  :)  

Now that I have begun walking again, it is feeling so good.  I have missed it.  Wesley is "training" for the 5K we will be doing at school in a few weeks and is also doing the "Fun Run Club" at school to get ready.  

We are walking again when Mikayla has her piano lessons.  We were keeping the sweet little boy of her piano teacher, but her Mom is here with her for 6 months while she is finishing Grad school so we are not needed for that.  

Last week Wesley and I were about to walk during her lesson.  Well, I was going to walk while Wes ran.  He had forgotten his running clothes but he thought he would be fine in his school clothes.. he found out he wasn't thrilled with that so he just walked with me and we talked.  It was a sweet time.

Later when we got back home, Wes said to me that he didn't like running.  My first shocked thought was "OH NO!  He isn't going to want to be on Cross Country next year...." or "What!  He loves to run... he is a natural runner... he....."  

It is amazing what can go through your mind in a split second.

I was being pretty selfish there, I am thinking.

I asked him why he didn't want to run anymore and he said "No... I love running, Mom.... I just liked walking with you today so we could talk.. I love our talks." 


That made this Momma feel quite good.

I love our talks, too. 

That just made my day and now every time I have walked since then I have thought about what he said.  On Sunday I walked while he ran.  He would run to a certain part of the subdivision and then back again to me.  He literally ran circles around me while I walked... but I was thankful I was there encouraging him and spending that time just so we could talk a bit, too.  I can't wait to see how he does in the 5K. 

Me... I'll just be there walking but cheering him on to the finish line that he will cross a lot earlier than I will.  :)


Gretchen said...

Neither of you will forget those walks. A precious memory for both of you to cherish!

Mindy said...

what great moments for you to share together. as jackson is getting older, i'm noticing that our special times together are fewer than they used to be. You're doing an awesome job being a purposeful mommy.