Monday, March 26, 2012



Have I said lately how much I love photographing rain droplets?

If not.... I just did.  

It is addicting to me.

This past weekend Mikayla and I had a chance to go shopping together.  We actually went shopping for her birthday presents.  Now that she is older I would know what she would like, but she is still smaller and it is hard to know what fits or looks good on her. 

I was concerned that she would be a bit bummed that she knew pretty much everything she was going to get for her birthday.  

She wasn't.

She said she wanted a day of just her and me shopping so she was thrilled when she found out Saturday was the day.

You know what I found most difficult about the day?

The continuing realization of young lady's clothing being inappropriate.

I am not one that expects Mikayla to wear ankle length outfits, never show her arms, or wear a total body covering, but I do want my girl to be MODEST.

There are a lot of girl's clothing out there that looks way too old for their age.  I do not want my daughter looking like a "strumpet," as we used to say when I was growing up.

I couldn't believe how many skirts we looked at that were mini-skirts, tops that were too low-cut or wide at the neck to show any and everything, pants that were cut to be tight, shirts that had just "junk" on them.

I know Mikayla wants to look "stylish" and I completely understand that she is growing up and wanting things a bit different.  That doesn't mean that everything she *thinks* looks good will look appropriate on her or is appropriate at all.

I see in so many girls these days where they are wearing outfits that reveal too much of their bodies.  They really leave nothing to the imagination.  We will not allow Mikayla to wear a bikini for that reason.... no matter what peer pressure says.  I'll be honest... it is like wearing underwear in public... and many I have seen are LESS than underwear!

Our shopping trip was an awesome memory and also a learning experience for Mikayla.  I want her to see why it does not look appropriate to teach her, not just to say "you can't wear that."  If she hears that all of her life then all she will want to do when she gets on her own is wear that type of clothing.

Steve and I are also teaching Wesley that he needs to look for a young lady who dresses modestly when he is looking for a wife in future years.  He shares with me many times how he has seen adult women wear inappropriate clothing and it bothers him.  

I am glad.  I hope it always does.

1 comment:

Katrina said...

Sounds like you had a special day! I agree with you 100% about clothing available for young girls and teens. We have to hunt for modest clothing that won't look too 'old' on an 11 and 14 year old. We don't allow the skinny jeans unless the whole backside is covered by a tunic style top or long sweater. My husband is really a great sounding board. We don't mind that they wear modest jeans even though pants aren't allowed at school. Everything seems to need a tank top under! My heart breaks to see so many sweet girls showing way too much of their bodies, worse is that their parents don't seem to know much better :(

Good for Wesley too!