Thursday, March 08, 2012


Please understand that you will be viewing A LOT of daffodils this spring.  I had the best time photographing them one day and came away with lots of pics I didn't want to delete.  They are cheerful so think of it as a day brightener.


I have had a lot of parents over the years of my teaching tell me that they don't want things to be hard for their children.

They don't want them to fail at something.

They don't want them to have a hard time.

They want to make it easier.

They want life to be like Walt Disney World every day.

That is just not reality.

If we never help our children to learn how to fail, we will never teach them how to live.

The Lord never promised our days would be full of fun, no worries, and everything easy.

In fact, God Himself allowed His Son to suffer terribly so that we could have eternal life, His mercy, grace, hope, and truth.

Why, then, do we think we owe it to our children to keep them from any kind of hurt or hard times?

I realize as a parent it is hard to watch your child struggle.  We have been there many times with our own.  

However, I know that what is learned from those times stick with your child so much more than you making everything easy for him/her.  Being THERE for your child is totally different than trying to make everything EASY for your child.

That is how the Lord shows us and helps us grow.  If everything went perfect for us and we had no problems we would begin to depend on ourselves instead of on the Lord.  That is what we begin to teach our children without even realizing it!

Take those times that you want to make things like "Walt Disney World" for your child and turn them into teaching times.  Help them see that the Lord is Who will get them through anything.  This is a life lesson that will take them far and show them that they can do ALL THINGS through CHRIST.

Here is a song by Selah that I just love and fits this so well:

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