Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I'm sharing about parenting skills this week.  I hope you are joining me.

"I'm not your friend... I am your parent"

This is something a lot of kids today do not hear.  

Instead of parents being the actual parents, the children seem to be telling the parents what to do.

The other week I was in Walmart and I heard a boy a little older than Wesley and Mikayla tell his parents after they had repeatedly told him to come to where they were,  "I heard you the first time!" He said it without respect and as if he were an adult talking with another adult.  If he "heard it the first time" he should have enough respect to obey!

The world would say he was just exercising his independence.

God's Word says he was being disrespectful and rude.

We have forgotten that we, as parents, have a huge responsibility to teach our children respect.  If they do not respect us, the parents, they will not respect other authority, and most importantly will not respect the Lord.

Television is full of idiotic parents and "smart" children who think they know much more than their parents.  I do not like the way television portrays fathers and mothers as incompetent and too weak to discipline their children.  It is sickening the way kids on these shows are made out to be so smart when they lie to get out of something and the parents just laugh it off.  I miss the shows like Andy Griffith where there was a true moral to the story.  Today, morals are thrown out the window.

The first thing we must teach our children is RESPECT. 

Respect of adults.

Respect of others.

Respect of authority.

Respect of things.

Respect of their own bodies.

Respect of the Lord - their Creator.

If children don't have respect you will have a hard time teaching anything further.

Proverbs 20:11
Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.


Gretchen said...

AMEN AND AMEN!!! You are SO right!!!
It starts with parents BEING the parent. Friendship will come but for now the #1 need my kids have is for me to LOVINGLY parent them.
Great words, friend!

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

Amen, Amen, and Amen!!! My son and I have this conversation often when other's his age show disrespect to their parents. It's very hard to teach your children respect, when most others are not. Sadly, even in church and Christian homes.