Tuesday, March 27, 2012



More rain droplets... do they make you as giddy as me?

This past weekend we had a 5K at school.

I have been walking again for about a month getting myself ready.  I truly missed my walking over the winter months, but by the time I would get home each night it was too dark to walk and I didn't like that.

I have increased what I have walked in this new starting round.  I now walk 3.3 miles each time and I try to do that 4-6 times a week.  (The reason I know it is 3.3 miles is because Steve and I measured it by driving it...)

I am now starting to jog a bit as I run because it has been taking me 55 minutes to walk 3.3 miles and I need to get it down from that.  In the 5K I was able to walk it in 48.06 minutes so I beat my own time.  I was far from the winner, but I was only competing with myself.

Wesley, on the other hand, has a true talent in running.  He ran the 5K course on Saturday in 27 minutes and some odd seconds.  He has run that course before in 24 minutes but he said he didn't think he ate enough to give him energy (we are still learning how much and what he needs to eat before a race) and he was also nervous.  Of course, we thought he did awesome.

He will start training with the Cross Country team at school this summer.  The coach met him Saturday and is excited about working with him.

I am just tickled with his desire to use the ability God has given him.  I pray Wes will use if for God's glory and realize that without the Lord he has nothing.


Mich said...

Just thinking of running makes me tired, but my son is a great runner too.

I need to start walking again.

Ramblings of a Southern Girl ~ Rhonda G said...

I'm impressed with your and Wesley's efforts! Way to go!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go Wesley, way to go Kellie, Way to go Steve !!
I am proud of you all............
Love _ Love