Thursday, April 14, 2011


Steve and I were caught on Sunday.

We were caught kissin' before service.

He had to usher for the entire service and so I wouldn't see him again until after it ended. When we "parted" we did our normal goodbye kiss and "love you" and I went on my merry way.

Our Sunday School teacher's wife saw us. She came and sat down beside me before Sunday School started and said she loved seeing Steve and I outwardly show affection to each other. She and her husband are counselors and they see so many people who hate each other that she said it was so nice to see couples who loved each other and showed it.

That was quite a nice compliment. It was something Steve and I do just because that is who we are.

We call each other silly names.

He grabs my hand at times when I least expect it.

He calls me "Darlin'."

I am thankful to have him as my man and to know we can be an example to others when we least expect it! :)


Anonymous said...

I love this! What a great testimony!

Sandy said...

I agree with her! It amazes me that you see so little affection between spouses in church or anywhere for that matter. You see plenty "before" marriage, yet after the "I do's" are done, it rapidly winds down.
I love the little extra affections you have for each other. We have had/done those for years & it keeps the spark going!