Tuesday, April 05, 2011


These pansies aren't long for this season... pretty soon they will wilt in the heat around here.

Since I have put flowers from the winter up today I thought I might take you back a few months... to Christmas.

I realize this is abnormal, but those who know me, know that is not always far-fetched.

One of my students and her Mom came up with this jingle about me to the tune of the Twelve Days of Christmas at Christmas. They were in McDonald's one day and decided to write this tune in "honor" of me. She lost it but recently found it and gave it to me yesterday.

May you enjoy the newest version entitled:" The Twelve Days of School with Mrs. Fowler".... to the tune of Twelve Days of Christmas. Feel free to sing along... we'll start with twelve and move to number one:

"On the ____ day of school Mrs. Fowler said/gave/did:"

12 Reading Groups
(of all things in school reading groups get to you after you have heard the same story 3 times)

11 "Tear out papers"
(at the end of each day I tell the students to tear out their papers)

10 Made up songs
(I make up songs to EVERY thing.)

9 Birthday Hugs
(I give the kids a choice between birthday hugs and "spankings"... they seem to love the spankings.)

8 Spelling words
(This is obvious... we do spelling words every day)

7 Class Notes reminders
(We have "Class Notes" on the computer and I update mine each Monday and send out nice little reminders to my parents to please read them... and their child will receive 5 points in a subject, or a no homework coupon... or a piece of candy.)

6 "Take a moments"
(I seem to say this a lot... that I need to take a moment... you would, too, if you had 25 younguns telling you somethin' is ailin')

5 "Give.... me..... fives............."
(This is the way I bring the group back under control: Eyes on speaker, voice quiet, face the speaker, hands free, listening. They have to raise their hand holding out all five fingers when they do so.)

4 Stories about Wesley and Mikayla
(Again, obvious... hello, gotta talk about my chil'ren.)

3 dull scissors (When the kids come up to me and tell me something hurts I tell them I am going to turn into Dr. Fowler and use my dull scissors to cut them off. I even have a huge pair that are hung by my board.)

2 "Oh my words"
(This is normally said very slowly and with much expression. It usually happens when something has caused me alarm or surprisement (I just made up that word. I am good like that.))


1 Out of Order Tally............
(We have the tally system in the classroom. If you aren't where you are supposed to be, that out of order is yours. I am such a meanie.)

I have never had a song "written" in my honor. I feel quite loved.

Doesn't it make you wonder what a day in my classroom is like? Just ask Lori. :)


Lori H. said...

OH MY WORD......I LOVE THIS SONG!!!! Tee-hee!!!

Renee said...

That's awesome :) I remember a few of those same things from when I was a student!

wendy said...

Reading groups. bleh.

Tearing out papers - I quit doing that a few years ago. I have parents do most of the work at the beginning of the year. Saves on desk space and my sanity.

I make up songs too. Usually to old hymns :) (it's the Baptist in me!)

Sandy said...

How neat! It gave me a little "glimpse" into your day....

Lynne M. said...

Now that is GREAT!! It took me right back to 2nd grade with Mrs. Fowler! :)