Monday, April 04, 2011


Let's take a look at our birthday festivities from the weekend.
It was so busy and I hope the kids felt the enjoyment of their birthday!

Here we are with our annual picture between the times they were born
~ 5:46pm (W) and 6:30 pm (M)

This was them that morning.... I always put a candle in their oatmeal in the morning and sing to them several times before we even leave home.

That night we celebrated by going out to Mimi's Cafe Restaurant and then letting them come home and open their presents.

Here are some clothes for Miss Sassy.

She also got the new American Girl Doll of the Year: Kanani

Wes and his clothing

Wes got another collectible tractor - his 24th as he shared with me last night. :)

We gave the kids new Bibles because they requested nice ones. These are study Bibles and I felt they would be able to grow with them.

Their names are engraved on the front and they were so excited.

We gave Mikayla her birthstone ring. She was all about that!

Wesley has been wanting his own lap desk for a long time. He was tickled with this one. We will be decorating it with John Deere stickers.

Here is Wes and his new tractor:

The birthday cake.. simple, yet showing their differences. I had such a hard time eating it. It was such a sacrifice. I'll be sacrificing again tonight.

Happy Birthday to my babies!

About to blow out the candles.

This is what excited me most. I went to say goodnight to them and found them like this. Wesley likes to have "sleepovers" in Mikayla's room sometimes so I let him that night since it was their birthday. Well... they were doing their devotions together with their new Bibles. I pray they will always love to do this.


Mich said...

Looks like they had a great birthday!

Love the cake!

wendy said...

what a fun cake! I love it :) looks like they had a pretty spectacular birthday!

Sandy said...

How precious! All of it but especially the last picture... You have really taught them to love the Lord & His Word.

Lynne M. said...

Oh Kellie! This is so sweet! You have such wonderful kids! I know they will always follow the Lord because they have been trained in the way they should go...GREAT job!

mescarlett said...

Wow, I cannot believe how fast they are growing!!! They are such precious angels. And how wonderful to see on their "sleepover" they had their devotions, that touched my heart! Happy belated Birthday to Wesley & Makayla!

Gretchen said...

That last picture brought a smile to my face and warmed my heart. So precious!

Happy Birthday to your "babies." Can't believe how much time has passed!