Wednesday, April 06, 2011


My students wrote thank you cards to Veterans who had fought in World War II and were going to DC to see the monuments today. I am not sure if all states do this, but ours is called the Triangle Flight of Honor. It is a great way to show respect and admiration to those men and women who fought for us.

The thank you cards were too sweet. I just had to share some of what was written in them. Spelling and wordage are all the kids!

"thank you for every thing that you have done for are nation I realy apreashate the freedom you have given us and in world word two I bet it was hard I bet you were tired but it was worth doing all that stuff I wish I could meet you I realy do I bet you are realy nice I would like to no a lot of ansers but there is so many I want to ask I can't even fit them all on this paper Oh, and thanks for giving us freedom."

I really do teach separate complete sentences.

"thank you so much for you and your friends and saving the country God & jesus must be so proud of you."

"Thank you for letting us have freedom in our country. I would like to tell you something that I haven't told anybody my 3 year old sister wants to be in the Navy someday. ha! Thank you for fighting the war for me & us!"

"Thank you... for your service in our country. We appreciate your help. While I'm talking to you, do you know a man named ____ _____? If so, he comes to my church and is one of the best people in church. Well, bye!"

"Thank you so very much for fighting in the war. I am so happy that you are still here right now We all are very happy that you fought and I know that it was a hard time but it is over now. Thanks Again."

"Thank you for your help in the Navy. Your a big help to our Country. My family will pray for you every night. Guess what my cousin _____ works in the Navy. If it makes you feel any better."

"Thank you for your bravness, kindness, and trust. I thank you for freedom. even tho I don't know you you seem nice."

"thank you for fighting in are warps."

"Thank you for fighting for our free country the United States of America. You were so brave to give us our freedom. I'm so glad we are not still stuck with the thirteen colonies."

OK... wrong war. :)

"Thank you so much for our contry. We don't now how you live. I thank you are doing a great thang."

Yes, we are country folk.


Amy said...

Love it!! One of those sounded like miss Haley... ;). Precious, we talked about it yesterday at dinner, so glad my girls are learning the importAnce!

Kathryn said...

What precious, precious words written from those little ones! Thank you for sharing those! :)