Thursday, September 30, 2010


We have definitely been getting some much needed rain! Isn't it amazing how we need the rain but sometimes we say "Lord, I know we need it but just not today... I have things to do..." I have had to remind myself that I must be thankful instead of complaining when I can't do what I had planned. God is sending us what we need and we are definitely getting it! :)

Here is Wesley's search for a frog as we walked around Jordan Pond in Maine. Mikayla spotted the first tadpole and it became Wesley's mission from then on....

This is one huge tadpole.....

The proud guy himself

Searching, searching....

There is one of the frogs I captured... Wesley had tried to capture this little guy with his hands....

OH! He got away!

VICTORY finally!... and this was after literally going AFTER the frog and capturing him underneath the foot bridge. lol

Poor frog... he just didn't realize

Wesley had to kiss the frog before he put him back in the water.

I'm sure he was thinking "Swim away as fast as you can!" once Wesley released him!

1 comment:

Gretchen said...

Eeewwww!!! I don't do slimy. But I'm thrilled that he was able to have such a big catch!