Tuesday, September 07, 2010


I am finally (and slowly) working on more of my Maine pics.

This was taken the morning we were supposed to go on a whale watch tour, but it was extremely foggy off the coast (shocking....) and the trip was cancelled. I saw these on our walk back to the van to figure out what we were going to do instead.... I would have stayed there and photographed a lot longer if the other family members had let me... ha!

Who knew that floats for lobster cages could be so stinking festive!?
Today has been one of those days.

It has been one of those overwhelming days.

It has been one of those days I have met myself on the road.... almost literally.

We were off yesterday for Labor Day which was great.

BUT.. I walk into school this morning and have yesterday's work and today's work to do... all before I leave for my doctor's appointment (checkup... no biggy) at 8:45.

I sped through teaching... the poor children looked like a mack truck had hit them I had to hit the high and leave the low. No getting up out of our seats acting crazy today! I did NOT like teaching like that.

Sped across the country (it felt like) to my doctor's appointment. If I didn't love the woman so much I would not drive 40 minutes one way to see her.

Sped back across the country just in time for my last reading group. I felt like I was spinning wheels.

Sped through lunch.

Sped through learning about California and a place in Spain.

Sped through stapling papers and gathering ones I had taken up for a grade.

Sped through a math speed drill.

Sped through showing pictures of beavers and spider webs that I had photographed for my "chil'ren."

Sped through clean up.

Sped through recess duty.

Sped upstairs to grab my things to go get Wesley and Mikayla.

Sped to another doctor's appointment (again, a check up).

Sped there just to wait almost an hour to be seen.

Sped out of there to the bank.

Sped by McDonald's first just so I could get a Mocha Frappe' because after all of that speeding today I wanted one!

Sped home.

Can you see why I was a bit overwhelmed today?

Let's hope and pray tomorrow is a little less speedy.

1 comment:

Mich said...


Love the picture.