Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I have no idea what this is... just a beautiful plant (could be considered a weed!) on the rocks of Maine by the ocean.

Life is not made of days... it is made of moments.

I heard this quote today. I remember hearing it before, and I have no idea who came up with it, but it is so true.

In the last week I can look back on my DAYS and see MOMENTS where I remember vividly what happened. If I thought on what happened each and every day I couldn't think of all of it but those moments will stick with me for a long time.

Some of those moments include:

Helping a one of my parents at school.

Capturing in a photograph a Freshman on her first Homecoming Court.

Seeing a friend from high school and enjoying her whole family.

The birth of one of our friend's babies.... and getting to photograph him.

Watching the wonder in my son's eyes when he cares for another one of God's Creations he has caught.

Watching a movie with my children and having Mikayla laying on the couch with me.

Moments in time are so much more important in our lives. I am thankful for those moments and the memories they recall in my mind and heart.

Here is something the Lord continues to teach me:
People are more important than things. Things will eventually get done, but time with people is never wasted.

What kind of moments can you recall in the last week that the Lord has given you? Feel free to share!

1 comment:

mc said...

Sitting with Will on the golf course at SAS Championship talking and sharing a beautiful day together! Like your post today! And, no I wasn't getting tired of the butterflies! :)