Saturday, September 25, 2010


Anyone know what this is? I have tried to look it up online to no avail and I have even sent it in to an insect web site to get their thoughts, but I have not heard back. I thought it was like a hornet... just not sure.
Later added: My friend, Lori, found out what this is! It is a Scoliid Wasp!! Want to learn about it, click here. :) THANK YOU, LORI!

Yesterday was our Homecoming at school. It was a pack filled week with lots of things as the week went on, but yesterday was the "ultimate" with the parade and floats, Homecoming court and such.

We haven't been in years but we decided to go this year. (This is horrible, but I have become so much "Mrs. Fowler" now that sometimes I just don't see myself as alumni.. lol) Anyway, the most enjoyable part of the night was seeing my high school friend Gretchen and her wonderful family. We didn't get a lot of opportunity to chat like we could with just us in a small setting, but it was so nice to have her come back to see the school after 20 years. (And me just typing that makes me feel really old. lol) Her husband and Steve met for the first time but they hit it off quite well. Steve is already talking about when we'll get together with them again. :)

I also had the privilege of photographing one of my former students who was the Freshman representative on the Homecoming Court. She requested me to photograph her and I was tickled to do it for her. She was a beautiful young lady last night... but she always is both inside and out.

Today I am just recouping from the week... lol

Have a beautiful Saturday!

Share something the Lord has done for you today! (hint, hint... I want to hear from you all!!!!!!)


Lori H. said...

I think it's a Scolia dubia....sometimes referred to as the blue-winged wasp.

Found it here:

Anonymous said...

The Lord has helped me get thru the day a lot less stressed. I gave it to Him to handle today.
Love! Love!

Gretchen said...

It was GREAT to see your family. (My whole family agrees). Did you have to say 20 YEARS??? Yikes! I think I just felt a new wrinkle! ;)

Sandy said...

We have those wasps here, too!
Glad Steve & P. finally got to meet (I figured they'd hit it off...)
Today the Lord gave me the patience & ability to share about the USO with a youth group.. a total of 4 kids in attendance. But He even gave me a good attitude about it, driving in the rain (THAT alone is enough to be thankful for... RAIN!!!)