Wednesday, September 08, 2010


Isn't this calming?

It is Jordan Pond in Maine.

I had always wanted to photograph fog in such a way that was like this. I couldn't get over how "giddy" I felt when I arrived and saw it.
To all my bloggy friends that I normally comment on their blogs... I am so far behind. I really will catch up. As you saw from yesterday... I'm in a crazy mode of life right now.

Some days I try to be "Super Woman" and I hate those days. I don't like when life is so hectic that I can't be still before the Lord. My still time is shorter because if I try to sit too long I fall asleep and there are no prayers but in my dreams!

I know the Lord understands... he realizes we are human and "but dust."

I just wish I could be more like Mary some days in this "Martha World." Expectations from others and things you know you have to do can crowd your days so that you have nothing left of yourself at days end.

These days continue to help me realize how much I can't do without Him giving me what I need to do it....

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