Saturday, April 04, 2009


Here are some things about ME.... got it from one of my friend's blogs. Play along if you'd like!

I AM happy and thankful for what God has given me

I AM NOT good with cooking on a grill, cooking without a recipe or, well, sometimes cooking in general

I KNOW that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior!

I THINK I would like a slower paced life

I DON'T THINK you should pay a lot for clothes

I WANT a Canon 40D

I HAVE two children, two cats, two dogs, two fish... but just ONE husband. :)

I LIKE to scrapbook... but am finding it is becoming more and more difficult to do

I DISLIKE a whining and complaining spirit, ungratefulness

I HATE the way this world gets further from the Way, the Truth and the Life

I DREAM in color

I FEAR cancer or anything else that can suddenly take my family/friends

I'M ANNOYED by children that do not obey their parents!

I CRAVE chocolate, chocolate.... time to be quiet and think

I USUALLY stay on a schedule

I SEARCH for bargains

I HIDE presents in places that sometimes I forget

I WONDER what Wesley and Mikayla will be like when they grow up and what I'll be as a grandparent!

I REGRET that we came home early from our honeymoon (don't get me started and don't laugh)

I LOVE Jesus Christ, my precious Steve, Wesley and Mikayla, my family and friends

I CAN do all things through Christ Who strengthens me

I CAN'T worry about tomorrow

I TRY to keep my house clean

I ENJOY photography, being with my family, movie nights, visiting other places, looking at God's Creation

I DON'T CARE about sports... lol

I ALWAYS tell my family I love them, tell Steve thank you for all he helps me with (and how much I love him), have a routine

I NEVER need to say "never"... I learned that when I said I would never drive a minivan and guess what I've been driving now for 9 years?

I'D RATHER make beautiful photographs

I RELY on the Lord daily

I BELIEVE my future is in God's Hands

I DANCE with my family sometimes.... it can be hilarious

I SING or hum songs often.... unfortunately, I don't always know the words so I make them up

I ARGUE hardly ever.... I've learned it takes more to understand the other person than to always think of yourself and when you do that, the arguing doesn't happen very often.

I WRITE things on sticky notes and have them everywhere. I am very visual and need those reminders

I WIN rarely

I LOSE my red pens on my desk in the middle of a day... it can get a bit frenzied

I WISH I could travel more places

I LISTEN to a lot of children speak my name daily

I DON'T UNDERSTAND this country's economic issues

I'M SCARED of critters... all shapes and sizes

I FORGET not a lot of things.... I have to help Steve remember a lot so I can't forget. lol

I AM HAPPY because the Lord is with me and I am BLESSED


Anonymous said...

You are scared of critters? I never knew that:-) JOE

Lynne said...

We came home early from our honeymoon too! I didn't know you and Steve had to also. We will have to exchange stories sometime!:)I loved getting to know new things about you! Have a GREAT Easter break! See you next Monday!

Amy said...

Kellie, this was so fun to read, I'm so happy you took the time to post these tidbits about yourself. :)

Gretchen said...

I laughed at "I LISTEN"
I didn't know about "I REGRET"
I agree with "I DON'T CARE"

Thanks for playing along! I enjoyed catching up!