Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Maple leaves just beginning to come out....

Mikayla has been reminding me the last few days that today is hers and Wesley's "Spiritual Birthday." Three years ago today they both asked Jesus into their hearts. On one hand I cannot believe it has already been three years... on the other, I can see how far they have come in learning to trust the Lord. What a blessing to know my babies know where they are going!

I was so sleepy today... I nodded during Spanish class which is in my room at the time!!! I was trying to grade some papers. A student came up to me and "scared me" out of my nodding moment. I had to act like I was just concentrating... yeah, that was it, I was just concentrating. It is amazing how much you have to cover up when you teach. hee hee At least all of my words came out normally today and there was no "Mrs. Fowler" make up words. One of my parents at school made up one the other day... "Distractilize" - it means to majorly distract someone from focusing on what is before them. I think it is a good one... in fact, I think I am very distractilized at this moment because I am not doing what I SHOULD be doing.

Off to get ready for church!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

NICE!! Distractilize will be mainstream in no time at all! If the kids start saying it, "that parent" will need to correct the wrong.