Monday, April 13, 2009


Here is a little foal from the clinic where my Dad works. It was hiding behind its mother. Last week during our break we went on a couple of hauls with Dad one day so I was able to capture these horses.... for Mikayla. :) I actually used "layers" on this photo (for my PS user friends) so tell me what you think. Can you even SEE the texture I added? lol.. This is all so new to me so I am learning.

It was back to school today. It wasn't a bad day considering I had to get back up at 5:00 am!

You know... it is really bad when you covet your children's Reese's eggs from their Easter baskets. Thankfully, my lovely Mikayla felt sorry for her mother and let her have one. It is a good thing I try to stay away from those types of things because I have major issues if I ate all of the things I would LOVE to eat....

Here are a few of those addictions I have had throughout my life:

Hostess Ho-Ho's
I could eat a whole box of 10 at one sitting when I was little!!!! These were a childhood favorite... and, technically, they still are but I have to resist.

Double Stuff Oreos
Oh, goodness.. just take them away from me now...

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Well... you already read above that this addiction hasn't gone away.

Hershey Kisses
I used to eat so many of these because they were small and think I was "OK"... it wasn't until 3 years ago when one of my best friends, who also works with me at school, had to take my bag away from me and hide them because I had eaten so many!!!

Snickers Bars
These were my college friend. I ate these things most everyday at the 10:00 hour in the morning. (Where I went to college the 10:00 hour was always "open" for clubs and such on M, W, F so we commuters would all go hang out together in the "Cate Center" and I would have my pick me up.)

For now, that is all my memory is bringing up as these were my strongest. One thing.... my Mom used to have to HIDE these items from me (especially the Ho-Ho's and Oreos) because I would eat so many.

Guess which one of my children inherited this same issue? I'll give you a hint... farming wants to be the occupation of this child. lol


mc said...

Maybe Wesley will need the chocolate during long days on the tractor. LOL

Amy said...

I notice a theme in your addiction...chocolate! Beautiful shot, I don't notice the texture, the DOF looks really nice. I'll have to look later on my computer, I'm on my iPod.

Gretchen said...

Just an observation:
all of them contain chocolate

Hmmm.... =)