Monday, April 06, 2009


I thought I would show some of the pics from Wesley and Mikayla's birthday and then a couple of their nine year pics. I took them yesterday to Duke Gardens for their pics. It was the only day this week where I saw it wasn't going to rain or be cold! It worked out really well, though. Glad I saw all of the beauty of that place... I have never been there before. Wesley was the perfect "model".... Mikayla, well... not so much. LOL

Opening up their Wii... it was a priceless capture

Mikayla Girl... Duke Gardens

Wesley my "poser"

I still can't believe how old they are now....


Katrina said...

The pictures are precious! Time sure does go quickly. My 'baby' will be nine in November. Hope you are enjoying your break.

Amy said...

Awwwwww what sweet pictures!!! Love the one of them opening the Wii. You have two BEAUTIFUL kids!!!!

Gretchen said...

LOVE the pic of their expression when they opened the Wii!

You picked a perfect day to visit D.G.