Saturday, December 02, 2006


We got our wood stove insert!!!! It was installed on Thursday and we love it. We truly weren't sure how it would look because the warehouse had so many different stoves and they were on big walls and looked so tiny. I got home before Steve so I saw it first. Actually, the kids saw it before I did. ha!! Mikayla "I like the stove and all, but I MISS the cats!!!!!!" If you see in the "before" picture we had cat grates for the wood to sit upon. I was amazed at how much more cozy it made the house look and feel when I saw it. You can see the picture of that below this one. Steve has started it up the last couple of nights to allow the stove to get "ready" to be used full blast. I took a picture of it last night with the fire in it. I think it looks beautiful. :) I also took a picture of it close up. I think it looks quite nice with our Christmas decorations.

I have been enjoying the smell of our Christmas tree. I am really enjoying where it is at this year. (I know I have said that before ...ha!)

Last night Wesley had a friend over for a play date while Mikayla had an "American Girl party" at some friend's house. She had a blast. They are having to learn about giving their sibling space when friends are over. They are so used to playing everything together that friends are the same. I tried to help Mikayla understand that before she went to the party yesterday. It wasn't received well at first, but she had to get over it and allow Wesley that privilege of playing alone with his friend. Steve had to work last night so me and the boys got a pizza and then I let them watch CARS. They played tractors and trucks while watching the movie. While they did that, I passed out on the couch. I had hit a wall yesterday and just wasn't a lot of fun last night. ha!! OH well...they had each other, right?

Tonight we are going to see one of my best friends daughters in a local Christmas parade. We are excited. It is going to be cold, which is how it should be, and we will get to stand out and watch them do their thing. :) (They are in a local dance school which will be performing.)

Steve had to work again today. He'll be home in time to go to the parade, though. I have been trying to get this house in more order today. It is so out of control at times. Between everything I have to do at school right now, Christmas, making ornaments for my children at school, etc... there is not an option of a sparkling clean home. We LIVE in our home... it definitely isn't a museum. ha!!

Well, sitting here typing isn't getting those clothes folded, is it? Enjoy the pics and enjoy the season. MERRY CHRISTMAS for without Christ we have nothing!

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