Sunday, December 24, 2006


Today's pictures are all ornaments on our tree I haven't shown yet. The first one is the snowman that I got during the summer for a $1.00 at Hallmark! They were leftovers from last year and they were trying to get rid of them. He is just too cute! I hope we do get some snow this year... The tractor is Wesley's, of course; and the Tinkerbell is Mikayla's new one for this year.

It's Christmas Eve and we are getting ready for the big day. :) We have been so busy the last couple of days getting together with family and friends. We had a great time yesterday but were not home at all. Today we got up later than expected and were late for church but were thankful to get there. Christ is the reason we celebrate and we need to stop and remember that instead of find one more thing to do during this season!!

This afternoon we went to Mom and Dad's for a simple lunch and then one of my best friends called to say they were coming over to OUR house mid-afternoon to see our Christmas tree and do gifts!!!! MY HOUSE... the one that IS NOT clean!! I thought we were going over there... well, I was wrong. I had to fly home and run around like a chicken with my head cut off to get the place tolerable. It wasn't perfect but it was better than it was. My nerves can't take much more of this house. ha!!

Once our friends left we had to feed Santa's reindeer. We didn't have time or ingredients to make reindeer food this year so we had to settle for leftover lettuce in the refrigerator!!! It was so funny. The kids had a great time throwing it all over the front yard.

We went to my Aunt's house tonight. Afterwards we came back to Mom and Dad's to open our ONE gift which is our Christmas Eve tradition. Now we are getting ready for Santa to make his move. Cookies and milk are in place and kiddos have gone to bed. I also have to get their picture of them sleeping. It is the sweetest thing.

Our tree is really on its "last leg" and I hope it makes it past tomorrow.

We found out tonight that we don't have to go to my other Aunt's house till Friday night!! We are quite excited because that means once we do the morning opening of presents we can be HOME ALL DAY!!! We are beside ourselves with excitement. I am planning on giving myself a Christmas present tomorrow...a nap. :)

Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone!!! Thank the Lord for the gift of His Son!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your ornament photos, I forgot to take any this year!