Thursday, December 14, 2006


"You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch"... everyone sing with me!!! Here is Steve's ornament I bought him this year. It is quite cute. :)

I have officially hit my wall. This has been a hectic and exhausting week. (The play went GREAT at school. The parents loved it and the kids really did well. I am thankful to be done, for a few months, at least. :) ) I have been so busy I haven't been much company at night. Steve told me I am the wife that falls asleep on the couch at 8:00 every night. He isn't too far from the truth. ha!

I came home today as early as I could and we started to work on this house. It really has been needing major attention. I didn't get everything cleaned like I would LIKE, but it is much better than it was. The kids worked on their areas and did a great job. Wesley was so sweet and cleaned the mirror in their bathroom all on his own. He just didn't realize he wasn't supposed to clean it with the stuff we use on the toilet!!! ha!!!! It is looking as bad, if not worse than it did before he cleaned it. :) I'll clean it later when he gets to sleep. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. He told Mikayla at supper that they need to make sure they keep the house clean in the next two weeks for Mom and Daddy. He said Santa would have problems if he came in to a mess. ha!!! Those little comments make up for the week we have had with that child. I know "this too shall pass" but sometimes that boy does things that I have no earthly idea where he got them.

Steve was supposed to be working late tonight but he got somebody to work for him so he could come on home. I was glad because I would have missed him.

When I was about to vaccuum today I found that the Christmas tree skirt was wet... which meant our tree stand has been leaking!!!! We are not going to be able to water the tree anymore. It messed up some of our presents....I hope it was just the box that was messed up and not the actual presents! I just can't see trying to get a new stand with a week or so left till Christmas... that "ain't gonna happen" with everything else going on around here.

I found out at school today that a family in our school has had personal loss. Their older son and his wife lost their 3 month old last week to SIDS and then yesterday the same son and daughter in law's house burnt down. They lost everything. My heart broke for them. We are going to do what we can to help the family. This is something that is going to take the Lord to see them through it. I know they are questioning "WHY?" is only human to feel that way. I am thankful God understands that in us and works with us. Please pray for that family.... I am not sure of their names.

It seems, once again, I have papers to grade before I can crash on the couch. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmasy day. :)

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