Thursday, December 21, 2006


This is my Hershey Kiss ornament I bought in Hershey Park. :) He is so cute!!

My first official day off from school for Christmas break. It started at 3:00 this morning with Wesley telling us he didn't feel well. So much for a restful/late sleep!! I didn't sleep well after that but actually slept in later than I intended!! I called the doctor so BOTH of them could be seen because the colds they have had have been hanging around much too long.

We piddled around and cleaned this morning. It was so good to just be HOME. I made the kids clean their rooms and the office. I worked on the other parts of the house. It is still in desperate need of attention but you can't get everything done in a day.

I took the kids to the doctor around 2:00 and found that they both have the beginnings of an ear infection so off to the pharmacy we went. The prescriptions were going to take an hour so I figured I'd go on home and wrap a few presents while we waited. When it was time to go get them I couldn't find my little wallet that held my check card and such... NOT good. I went into panic mode and checked everywhere I thought it might be... I even called their doctor's office back. Finally, I just decided I would go back to the doctor's office to see if I had dropped it outside. When I was almost there Steve called to tell me that he had found it underneath something I had worked on earlier. I was relieved but quite angry with myself for losing it. I feel so brain-divided lately. ha!!

Tonight we had our Sunday School class dinner for Christmas. Now, we aren't in the normal class for our age... we are in the elderly class! We love it, though, because the people are precious and the teacher is awesome. We don't care. :) We all went out to eat and then just came back home. Some of our friends went to it, too, and their daughters stayed with Wesley and Mikayla. I was glad it wasn't a late night, though. I still have lots of presents to finish wrapping!!!

I was going to bake cookies for Santa tomorrow, but I don't know if we'll have time. We'll have to see.... I already have so many baked goods and such that I don't want to add anymore to this house!! We are working on making our house less tempting as it is!!

Our tree is pitiful. You know we haven't been able to water it in a week because the base cracked... well, it shows now. Ornaments keep falling off and I saw today where the garland is falling off too!! Hopefully it will last a few more days. That tree looks like I feel. hee hee

Well, I need to get busy on wrapping more presents. I am going to get Steve involved, too. :) Have a great CHRISTmas evening!!!

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