Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Here are my silly children today. I was working on the play for my grade level today and I was quite focused on it to get it done. Well, the kids were quite busy entertaining themselves. Mikayla had that "play dress" on first...then, in comes Wesley with it on. It was quite hilarious. I took the first picture right after that. When they saw that I thought it was quite funny they started to go silly with it. Mikayla became the "boy" and Wesley became the "girl" and they had a grand time. I had a few chuckles over their outfits. Eventually, like most children, they began to take it too far and I knew then it was time to clean up and move on to something else, but they surely had fun while it lasted. Notice in the second picture... Mikayla has on Wesley's Sunday shoes and Wesley has on her pink feather fluffy dress up shoes with socks. He still made himself "manly" with the ties and the baseball cap. ha!!

I was quite into doing that play today. That has been something I have been thinking about for a while now and knew it needed to get done. I finally saw it had come today and began working on it immediately. I was planning on doing scrapbooking today, but did any of that happen???? NO...I worked on that thing for around 5 hours today. When I get in focus mode....I am IN focus mode. ha!! I do feel like a small burden has been lifted, though. Now comes the other necessary things that go with it, but they aren't as deep thinking as this was.

I had two answers to small prayers today. I couldn't find my catalog and list for something I needed to order for school. This was not something I was happy about because I had a lot of different things on that list I wouldn't be able to remember. Well, I just prayed all day that the Lord would allow me to find it. I looked everywhere I thought it would be... but it wasn't there. I was beginning to be concerned that in my cleaning out mode I had accidentally thrown it away!! When Steve got home I asked him if he had seen it. He had not seen it so I began to try to figure out again where it could be. I walked in the office and saw one of the bags I had taken to school. I picked that thing up and looked in it... guess what I found???? Yes....God is good, I found that list and catalog. I thanked Him right then and there! The other little prayer he answered was with some cloth drop cloths we use for backdrops for school. I wanted to make sure I had them in hand early so I thought we'd go get them tonight. When I went to the store I couldn't find them anywhere. I asked a store clerk and he said what aisle they should be in and if they weren't there then they were gone. ugh... Well, I began searching again and asked the Lord to please allow me to find one. Well, I looked up and in the middle of a bunch of other stuff, there I found one. Right underneath the pile I found another one so I went ahead and got both of them!! I thanked the Lord, yet again. I am so glad God listens and helps us with our small requests as well as our big ones. It teaches the kids that God is not too big to listen to our needs. I am thankful.

Well, I am hearing two kids get silly again and they need to get themselves in bed!! Off to go wrestle two crazy kids before the tear up something again... Have a good one!

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